
We buy books

If you have any books that you would like to sell to us, let us know.  We are interested in a number of different authors and genres and will buy individual titles as well as whole collections.

There is no need to worry if you do not live locally;  we will either travel to you or arrange a courier service.

The rare book market is constantly evolving and, due to a number of external factors, the prices of given titles rise and fall over time.  We will always endeavour to research the current market price of your books thoroughly and offer you the fairest price that this will allow.

We are also happy to sell your books on your behalf.  This can be a slower process, as it often takes time for the book to sell to the right collector.  However, the advantage of this method is that you are likely to achieve a higher price than if you sell to a dealer directly or put your items into an auction.

Our commission rates will be competitive and we will market and list your books for sale on our website and in our book stores on AbeBooks, Biblio and eBay, if you would like us to.

If you have any books that you think may be of interest to us, please email us at and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.



We have included a list of the sort of authors we would be interested in below for guidance:


Authors A-I


A A Milne – First or early editions

Agatha Christie – First editions

Aldous Huxley – First editions

Anne Rice – Early First editions

Anthony Burgess – First editions

Arthur C. Clarke – Early first editions, any signed books

Arthur Conan Doyle – First or early editions

Arthur Miller – First editions

Arthur Rackham – First editions


Beatrix Potter – First editions

Bram Stoker – First editions

Brian Aldiss – Early first editions

Bronte (Charlotte, Emily) – First editions or any early editions


Charles Darwin – Early editions

Charles Dickens – Early editions or first editions

China Mieville – Early first editions,  any signed first editions, limited editions

Clive Barker – Early first edition or signed first editions

Colin Dexter – Early first editions, any signed first editions

C.S Forester – First editions

C.S. Lewis – First editions, early editions


Daphne du Maurier – first editions

David Gemmell – Early first editions, any signed first editions

David Mitchell – First editions

D.H Lawrence – First editions

Dick Francis – Early first editions or signed first editions

Douglas Adams – First Editions

Dylan Thomas – First Editions


E.B. White – First editions

Edgar Allan Poe – Early editions or first editions

Edmund Dulac – First editions

Enid Blyton – First editions

Ernest Hemingway – First editions

Evelyn Waugh – First editions


Folio Society Books – Limited editions

Frank Baum – First editions

Franz Kafka – First Editions

F. Scott Fitzgerald – Early editions or first editions


Gabriel Garcia Marquez – first editions

George Orwell – First editions


Hans Andersen – First editions

Harper Lee – First editions

Haruki Murakami – First editions

Herman Melville – First editions

H.G. Wells – First editions

H,P. Lovecraft – First editions


Iain Banks – Early first editions, signed first editions

Ian Fleming – First editions

Ian McEwan – Early first editions, signed first editions

Iris Murdoch – First editions

Isaac Asimov – First editions

Authors J-Z


Jack Kerouac – First editions

J.D Salinger – First editions

J.G. Ballard – First Editions

J.K Rowling – First editions, signed books

J.M. Barrie – Early editions or first editions

Joe Abercrombie – Early first editions, any signed first editions

Joe Hill – Signed first editions, limited editions

John Buchan – First editions

John le Carré – Early first editions, any signed first editions, limited editions

John Steinbeck – First editions

John Stuart Mill – First editions

John Wyndham – First editions

J.R.R. Tolkien – Early editions or first editions

Jules Verne – First Editions

Julian Barnes – Early first editions or any signed first editions


Kazuo Ishiguro – First editions

Ken Kesey – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – first editions

Kingsley Amis – First editions

Kurt Vonnegut – First editions


Lawrence Durrell – First editions

Lewis Carroll – Early editions

Louis de Bernieres – Early first editions

Margaret Mitchell – Gone with the Wind – first or early editions

Martin Amis – Early first editions, any signed first editions


Neil Gaiman – Early first editions, signed books, limited editions

Nevil Shute – First editions



P. G. Wodehouse – First editions

Philip K Dick – First editions

Philip Pullman – Early first editions, any signed first editions



Ray Bradbury – First editions

Richard Adams – First editions

Richard Bachman – First editions

Richard Matheson – First editions

Roald Dahl – First editions

Rudyard Kipling – First editions


Salman Rushdie – Early first editions or signed first editions

Stephen King – Any US first editions, proofs or UK first editions pre-1990, limited editions, signed books


T.E Lawrence – First Editions

Terry Pratchett – Early first editions, any signed first editions

Theodore Sturgeon – First editions

T.S. Eliot – First editions


Ursula K. Le Guin – First editions


Virginia Woolf – First editions

Vladimir Nabokov – First editions


William Golding – First editions

Wyndham Lewis – First editions



Yann Martel – Signed first editions